Sunday, December 7, 2008

Back from Chicago! It was a whirlwind of a weekend but we had FUN! I swear, I laugh more with my mom and sister than I do with anyone. We just have so much fun together.

Some highlights that no one will understand but us:

- the dark side
- german ornaments
- owl collections
- uumph, ugh, ouch, that hurt my finger...THERE! I think that'll do it!
- do you need another half?
- here comes the chicago'tude! get sea dog!
- wait, wait, wait, don't take the picture until I am looking UP!

ALL in all, we had a wonderful time. I really did. It was so refreshing and my GOD did we laugh. I know, I said that already. I love them both so much and I can't wait to do it again. THANK YOU DAD!!!! You are the best! I love you.

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