Saturday, February 20, 2010

Katie Viger

The unimaginable struck the 6th floor at Henry Ford Wyandotte hospital early Friday morning.

One of our own, Katie Viger, had passed away. Most of us, in the backs of our minds, knew that the moment was unavoidable, as a diagnosis of brain cancer is never very encouraging. However, that did not prevent us all from praying with everything we had that a miracle would occur. How could God take a 23 year old, fresh from nursing school and SO full of life? You just can't make sense of that. Surely there MUST be a miracle that is going to happen.

Well, the miracle DID come. Sweet Katie, whom we all loved so much, became an angel. God saw her pain. He saw how scared she was. And he performed a miracle that only he can, and took the pain and fear away. I have no doubt in my mind that Katie is happy, healthy, and likely making all the other angels laugh with her awesome sense of humor. You HAD to notice the sunshine these past couple days, right? Coincidence?

I have been sad about Katie's passing. I don't believe I have cried, though, until I started thinking about her mom. I do not know her mom. I've never met her. I don't even know her name. But her and I have a big connection... we are both mothers. And we both have daughters.

When you have kids, it's like you are automatically given a set list of hopes and dreams for them... school, dances, first love, weddings, college, kids, etc. You don't expect to have that taken from you. Ever. Katie's mom did, and because of that, my heart just aches for her. I cry tears for what she will never get to experience with her daughter. I cry tears for those memories that will never happen. It's excruciating. Losing a child. It shouldn't happen, ever. And it happened to her.

Hopefully someday, she will reflect on all the amazing years she had with Katie. The memories they have already created. Hopefully she will realize that you do not need your child to be on this Earth to still be their mother. She will forever be Katie's mom. And Katie will always be her little girl.

I love and pray for you, Katie. I wish things were different, but God had other plans for you. And to Katie's mom, because of your sweet girl, I will forever hug my kids a little tighter, snuggle them a little longer, take lots of pictures, and never make excuses for an opportunity to make a memory. Because you never know when that'll be all you have left... memories.

You are not crying alone. And Katie's memory will live on through all of those that love and know her. Thank you for sharing so much with all of us.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sick baby and a happy boy

My little Allie-girl is sick! She has her first cold. It started Wednesday evening. We were on a playdate with my friend when she started coughing. Now she has a really harsh cough, a lot of congestion, and a very runny nose. I am a little worried, just because Ethan was and is so healthy. He hardly ever gets sick. Allison is only 5 months old! We're just managing her symptoms...lots of saline spray, the humidifier is running, and she is getting lots of snuggles from mommy and daddy. I hope she feels better soon!

Yesterday was a VERY special day. Ethan recently saw The Wizard of Oz movie and he fell in love with it. Naturally, when we saw it was coming to the Fisher, we knew we had to take him. We decided to surprise him with it. We told him we were taking him on a date to his favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. This alone made him so happy. It was his first time out with both of us, without Allison. He was so excited. He was absolutely wonderful at dinner. Very chatty and sweet. He kept telling us how much he loved eating there. As we were finishing up, Jay handed him the tickets. As he read what they said, a small smile creeped up on his face and he was so excited!!

He loved the play. He was mesmorized by it all. He clapped after each song. He especially loved how Toto was played by a real dog. All in all, it was just the perfect night. I try not to set expectations about events because I don't want to be disappointed, but there was not a thing I would change about that night. It was wonderful to see him SO happy.

That's about all. I think I want to start scrapbooking again. I love making memories with my kids so much, I want to be able to look back on them someday and remember it perfectly.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Shred

I have quite a history of buying gym memberships and then not using them. Don't we ALL do this, though?

Because of this bad habit, I am hesitant to buy a new one, even though I am still carrying extra baby weight from the baby I delivered almost 6 YEARS ago. Add to that the 5 month old I have, and that's a lot of weight, if you ask me.

While shopping at Target one day, I saw Jillian Michaels "The Shred" DVD for sale. I had heard good things about it, so I bought it.

The first time I put it in the DVD player, it started out with Jillian talking about how much weight you can lose in just 30 days. She also said the work out was very short... 20 minutes, I think?

What she DIDN'T say was how ridiculously hard it is. There are three levels to choose from. I chose the first, but figured it might just be too easy. Yeah. No. It was hard. It started off with push ups. You do them for 30 seconds, but I never actually got to DO the push-ups (like I could do a push-up anyways...) because I spent those 30 seconds looking for something nice and soft to cushion my achy knees.

Next we did lunges. With each lunge, my knees would crack. Then I realized my weights were to heavy, so I spent all THAT time trying to unscrew the weights off the ends of the bars.

The next part involved laying on the floor doing crunches, then standing and doing squats. It took me so long to get off the floor and into the squat position, that by the time I was up and ready, it was time to lay back down. I huffed and puffed and broke a sweat, and never actually DID the exercise.

The last part involved laying on the ground and pedaling my legs in the air. HAHAHA! Have you SEEN these legs? They are serious business. And not to mention HEAVY! As soon as I would even get them an inch off the ground, I would realize I was holding my abs (or lack, thereof) so freaking tight, I couldn't breathe. So here is Jillian, with her super skinny legs telling me "you don't get abs like these without work!" and me attempting to raise my thunder thighs off the ground, meanwhile making god awful noises out of my mouth (sounded kind of like "whoooooooo! heeeeeeee! ooomph!) and silently cursing her skinny-ness.

I'm not so sure this will work. I want to be thin. But it's just too much effort. And anyways. I really hate to sweat.