Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blah. I have a horrible headache today. It's not enough for me to consider myself 'sick', but it's enough to make me feel yucky.

I had a really nice evening. Scratch that. The whole day was good. Ethan had pajama day at school today and he was SO excited. He thought it was really cool that he didn't even have to get dressed today. Jay got off work early, too, so we all just hung out this afternoon.

We were a bit panicked yesterday about the layout of our new kitchen because one corner of it just didn't seem to fit right. The "kitchen guy" as we so fondly refer to him, assured us that it would all work out in the end. I wasn't so sure, but he REALLY impressed me with how he custom designed the unit around our fridge. It looks awesome, and it's not even finished yet.

I have become a total Twilight junkie. Never in a gazillion years did I think I would like books about vampires but I am in looooooove with them. I promise you, if you haven't read them yet, GET THEM. You won't be disappointed. Unless you are a guy. It's a little too lovey-dovey for a guy, and really, the best part about the book is Edward Cullen. *sigh*

I was in a serious funk at the beginning of the week. I was really down about stupid stuff. STUPID. Stuff I shouldn't' even think twice about. But my lovely husband has heard me vent and has made it all seem so insignificant.

That's all for now. I am about to take my Tylenol and chill out on the couch and read.

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